Nouveau traitement pour les acouphènes
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trouvé sur Tinitus Talk, si quelqu’un peut traduire…
Good morning! I have some BREAKING NEWS. There is a company in San Diego, California called Otonomy (founded in 2008). They bought up numerous patents from a man named Alfred Mann, who is well-known for his research into tinnitus. Otonomy has developed a drug for tinnitus which they are presently calling OTO-311, in their clinical trials. The drug is Gacyclidine, and it is an NMDA receptor antagonist, which means it has the same action as the drug that Auris Medical has developed. The drug dampens the body’s response to tinnitus, by calming down the nerve endings responsible for it. Otonomy’s drug is also injected into the eardrum, but their treatment only involves one injection, not three. They say this is because their drug is in a “sustained-exposure formulation.” They are currently in Phase 1 clinical studies right now, and they are planning on having Phase 2 studies start, in the second quarter of 2015. These studies will be conducted across the USA, and perhaps elsewhere. You will have to contact them to find out what other countries they will also be in. I highly recommend that you get involved in this Phase 2 trial.
Both Otonomy and Auris Medical went public this past summer, and obviously, they are in competition with each other. This is good news for everyone in the world who has tinnitus. The more drug treatments, the better! Another very important aspect of this study coming up in 2015 by Otonomy is this….THEY DO NOT CARE HOW LONG YOU HAVE HAD YOUR TINNITUS. Anyone can participate. I spoke to one of their researchers directly (on the phone) who told me this. This is fantastic news for everyone! You can send them an email at: clinicalstudies@Otonomy.com . Ask them to put your name and email address on the list of people to contact next year, when they are getting ready to launch the study. This is a Phase 2 trial, which means that, when it starts, the drug would have already completed the Phase 1 trial, which proved it was SAFE. In Phase 2 trials (and in Phase 3 trials), they are trying to prove that it is EFFECTIVE. So there is nothing to worry about really, in a Phase 2 or Phase 3 trial. You can also visit their website: http://www.otonomy.com
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