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News thérapie susan shore
News thérapie susan shore
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Dr. Susan Shore’s team has positive news to share about their research into alleviating tinnitus.
Starting the year with positive tinnitus news
Over the past few days, you may have seen several major publications writing about the findings the researchers at the University of Michigan have made.
Led by Dr. Susan Shore, the team believes they may have found a way to alleviate tinnitus. It’s still early research, so we shouldn’t get too excited just yet. There are also potential limitations for whom this treatment may not work. And for those that it does, it may reduce the tinnitus, but not necessarily cure it. More testing is underway.
Nonetheless, this kind of research is excellent and most welcome. Dr. Shore is a very esteemed and experienced researcher among her peers. The exposure tinnitus has received in the past few days thanks to the widespread coverage of her work is very beneficial for our cause.
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If you are local and near the University of Michigan, you can apply to take part in their new clinical trial for 2018.
You have to be close to be able to go there once a week during the trial.
You can voice your interest directly to Dr. Shore’s team at tinn.trial@umich.edu.Tinnitus Talk Support Forum
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