How I manage my tinnitus, by Arkvin Taubman

How I manage my tinnitus = comment je vis avec mes acouphènes
“How I manage my tinnitus” est un livre (33 pages) écrit par Arkvin Taubman. Il y explique son parcours et donne quelques conseils qui l’ont aidé à faire face à ses problèmes.
Do you hear ringing noises in your ears? Noises that never go away. Well I know I do, I was diognosed with having what is known as Tinnitus.
Can this be cured ? The Medical Experts say that there isn’t much they can do. So I went about finding ways to help myself cope better with this constant noise in my head. My book describes my whole story from the time I was first subjected to high noise levels (the actual cause of my Tinnitus) to when I first noticed there was a problem, the stages my hearing went through, what I found to be helpful, hearing devices and where I am at today. I explain some of my self help techniques that I hope may also help you to cope better each day.
Living with Tinnitus is NOT easy, this book will also help family and partners of Tinnitus sufferers understand some of what their loved ones go through.
There are 33 pages of easy and informative reading with a bit of humour added along the way.
Le livre How I manage my tinnitus peut être acheté ici [lien supprimé car le livre n’est plus disponible]
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Hi and thank you for your interest in my book. The postage to france is $8.00 Aus. I think you would find it interesting reading, I have found it helpful to compare my situation with others. Thank you for mentioning the book on your Blog, the more information people can get the better. I am hoping people will be interested.
Kind Regards, Arkvin.
Sinon, comme il le précise dans l’annonce, il propose de l’envoyer par mail (fichier pdf) pour éviter les frais de port.
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