U2 – « Staring at the Sun »

Summer stretching on the grass
Summer dresses pass
In the shade of a willow tree
Creeps a crawling over me
Over me and over you
Stuck together with God’s glue
It’s going to get stickier tooIt’s been a long hot summer
Let’s get under cover
Don’t try too hard to think
Don’t think at all
I’m not the only one
Staring at the sun
Afraid of what you’ll find
If you took a look inside
I’m not just deaf and dumb
Staring at the sun
Not the only one
Who’s happy to go blind
There’s an insect in your ear
If you scratch it won’t disappear
It’s gonna itch and burn and sting
You want to see what the scratching brings
Waves that leave me out of reach
Breaking on your back like a beach
Will we ever live in peace?
‘Cause those that can’t do
Often have to
And those that can’t do
Often have to preach
To the ones
Staring at the sun
Afraid of what you’d find
If you took a look inside
Not just deaf and dumb
I’m staring at the sun
I’m not the only one
Who’d rather go blind
Intransigence is all around
Military still in town
Armour plated suits and ties
Daddy just won’t say goodbye
Referee won’t blow the whistle
God is good but will He listen
I’m nearly great
But there’s something missing
I left it in the duty free area
But you never really belonged to me
You’re not the only one
Staring at the sun
Afraid of what you’d find
You step back inside
Not sucking on my thumb
I’m staring at the sun
I’m not the only one
Who’s happy to go blind
U2, Staring at the Sun (1997)
Bonne idée que de trouver des chansons.
Dans le cas Paul Hewson, la vie est étrange : Le nom de Bono (c’est le diminutif de Bono Vox) a été donné à Paul par ses amis du Lypton Village. Ce nom, qui veut dire “bonne voix” en latin est le nom d’un magasin de Dublin qui vend des appareils acoustiques.
Mais quelle voix Bono, Il fait partie de ces chanteurs qui me procurent une émotion directe sans avoir besoin d’analyse.
Le “jeu” c’est de voir à chaque fois quelle(s) partie(s) de la chanson est / sont directement en lien avec le sujet de ce blog…
Parfois c’est évident, parfois ça l’est un peu moins 😉